Série Kung Fu, Pilot en streaming

Kung Fu, Pilot

Regarder illimité la série Kung Fu, Pilot en streaming VF complet

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Date: 1972-04-04
  • Episodes: 1

Description :

David Carradine stars as the mysterious Caine, a Buddhist monk and hunted man who wanders the American West in the 1870s fighting intolerance and injustice with his mastery of an ancient form of high combat known as Kung Fu. A fugitive from his native home in China, the orphan of half-Chinese, half-American ancestry, was trained in mystic philosophy and martial arts. A man of peace, Caine shuns material things. Roaming the rugged frontier of the Wild West, Caine champions the downtrodden and fights for justice and equality armed with only his hands and feet. In this extended pilot movie, Caine battles for the rights of immigrant laborers building the TransContinental Railway in the post-Civil War West. Exhibiting humility and respect for the "oneness of all living things," Caine, in his quiet, unassuming way, redefines the term "hero" in Kung Fu. See the television movie that started the classic series.

Kung Fu, Pilot en streaming

1 Pilot 1:14:20 Voir

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