Série The 100, Season 2 en streaming

The 100, Season 2

Regarder illimité la série The 100, Season 2 en streaming VF complet

  • Genre: Drama
  • Date: 2014-10-22
  • Episodes: 21

Description :

Set almost 100 years after mankind nearly destroyed itself in a nuclear Armageddon, the surviving human race aboard the orbiting “Ark” space station take the first step to recolonize Earth, by sending 100 juvenile delinquents back to the planet’s surface to see if it is habitable. In the first season, they discovered that the Earth is not quite what they imagined – and that they were not alone. Survivors from the nuclear apocalypse have broken into dangerous factions including The Grounders, Reapers and Mountain Men. The first season finale found all of the survivors of the Ark attempting to return to the surface, while The 100 fought for their lives against the Grounders. In Season Two, Clarke and Monty have been captured by the Mountain Men and are being held inside Mt. Weather, but the fate of everyone else is unclear.

The 100, Season 2 en streaming

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