Série One Tree Hill, Season 9 en streaming

One Tree Hill, Season 9

Regarder illimité la série One Tree Hill, Season 9 en streaming VF complet

  • Genre: Drama
  • Date: 2012-01-11
  • Episodes: 13

Description :

As the long-running hit series One Tree Hill enters its ninth and final season, the show continues to explore the challenges contemporary young people face as they try to build and define their lives. Last season in Tree Hill, there were a number of changes — both personal and professional — including the momentous and captivating marriage of Brooke and Julian and the birth of twins. Now, how will the young couple juggle parenthood and their careers? With Nathan traveling more as an agent, how will Haley’s life change with a second child, an increasingly independent Jamie and a busy café to run? Plus, is a wedding in store for Quinn and Clay, or for Mouth and Millicent? And what’s to become of Alex and Chase and their budding romance? Paul Johansson and Tyler Hilton rejoin the cast for the final season, and more than one familiar face, including Chad Michael Murray as Lucas Scott, will guest star. Don’t miss a moment!

One Tree Hill, Season 9 en streaming

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