Série Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, Season 2 en streaming

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, Season 2

Regarder illimité la série Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, Season 2 en streaming VF complet

  • Genre: Science-fiction et fantasy
  • Date: 1994-09-18
  • Vote: Tout public
  • Episodes: 22

Description :

This humorously romantic action/adventure series puts a modern twist on the Superman legend — bringing to life the comic book characters Clark Kent/Superman and Lois Lane in the most unrequited romance of all time. He catches bullets in his hand, snatches innocent citizens from the jaws of death and transports bombs, toxic chemicals and other deadly whatnot deep into outer space. But just when you think nothing can overwhelm Superman, love brings him to his knees. Dean Cain and Teri Hatcher are back for a thrilling second season of new adventures. Action reigns as the Man of Steel unleashes chop-‘til-you-drop martial arts moves to battle a mysterious Chi maser, pits his mighty powers against the firepower of resurrected ‘30s mobster Al Capone and mows down a perp walk of twisted-genius bad guys who challenge him with a lethal array of threats, theft, murder and mayhem. Super hero. Super action. Season Two is super fun!

Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, Season 2 en streaming

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