Série Prison Break, Season 4 en streaming

Prison Break, Season 4

Regarder illimité la série Prison Break, Season 4 en streaming VF complet

  • Genre: Drame
  • Date: 2008-09-02
  • Vote: -12
  • Episodes: 24

Description :

Cette page vous donne accès à la version anglaise de cette série TV. Vous pouvez accéder à la version en français en effectuant la recherche Prison break Saison 4 dans l'iTunes Store. The greatest escape on television continues as Prison Break enters its nail-biting, action-packed fourth season. After engineering a daring escape from the hellish, Panamanian prison Sona, brothers Michael Scofield and Lincoln Burrows are determined to seek justice against The Company, the shadowy group responsible for destroying their lives and killing the woman Michael loves, Dr. Sara Tancredi. Michael’s quest for vengeance leads him to Los Angeles, where his world is turned upside down when Company operative Gretchen/Susan B. Anthony informs him that Sara is still alive. Realizing the only way they will truly be free, Michael and Lincoln avow to find Sara and take down The Company. With the help of Homeland Security agent Don Self, they assemble a group of allies and familiar faces to accomplish their task: Mahone, Sucre, Bellick and computer expert Roland Glenn. Unfortunately for the brothers, they must also evade company assassin Wyatt and find an on-the-loose T-Bag. Michael and Lincoln soon discover the only thing harder than breaking out will be breaking in.

Prison Break, Season 4 en streaming

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