Série The One With All the Holidays en streaming

The One With All the Holidays

Regarder illimité la série The One With All the Holidays en streaming VF complet

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Date: 1994-09-22
  • Episodes: 15

Description :

What are holidays for — but a time to be among Friends? Love might not be in the air, but laughs are when Chandler goes on a blind date with Janice (recurring guest star Maggie Wheeler) on Valentine’s Day. Christmas ‘tis the season for even more laughs when Monica and Rachel give cookies instead of cash to the building super, and he neglects to fix the heat during a sweltering holiday party. And Joey’s job selling Christmas trees causes eco-friendly Phoebe to worry for all the leftover trees that aren’t picked. Ross gives a novel interpretation to the season with his "holiday armadillo!” And where Halloween brings out guest star Sean Penn, Thanksgiving brings (Aniston’s then-husband) Brad Pitt as an old friend who can’t stand Rachel. The gang’s reminiscences about their worst holidays involve Joey getting his head stuck in a turkey and Phoebe losing her arm (twice) in 1862 and 1912! There’s no better way to celebrate the season than with Friends in this 15-episode collection.

The One With All the Holidays en streaming

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