Série The Best of Ross en streaming

The Best of Ross

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  • Genre: Comedy
  • Date: 2009-06-22
  • Episodes: 10

Description :

David Schwimmer stars as Ross Geller, the slightly insecure, yet hopelessly romantic paleontologist brother of Monica. Beginning the series as a recent father and divorcee, Ross quickly takes up a torch for his longtime crush on Rachel — a relationship that grows hot and cold throughout the series. In these 10 episodes, we see Ross in all his obsessive, over-the-top glory: When all of his friends fail to be ready for his fundraiser, Ross blows a gasket. When he’s dating an incredibly hot new girlfriend (guest star Rebecca Romijn), he can’t get past her incredibly messy habits. And when someone at work steals his Thanksgiving leftovers sandwich (with the “moist maker”), Ross finally goes over the deep end. Also, watch as Ross whitens his teeth to a nuclear shine, keeps a New Year’s resolution to wear hot leather pants (and then finds them a little too hot!), and tries to teach the girls the state of martial arts “Unagi” by ninja-attacking them in the hallway. It’s the Best of Ross!

The Best of Ross en streaming

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