Série Friends, Season 8 en streaming

Friends, Season 8

Regarder illimité la série Friends, Season 8 en streaming VF complet

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Date: 2001-09-27
  • Episodes: 24

Description :

Friends continues at the top of its game in this eighth exceptional season that won the Emmy® Award for Outstanding Comedy Series. Moments after Monica and Chandler's wedding reception, the news arrives of an impending birth – but it turns out to be Rachel's! And the unknowing father is Ross. But as Rachel's hormones kick into high gear, so does the craziness as she gets romantically mixed up with Joey. Meanwhile, Chandler's obsessed with Monica's forbidden closet and plenty of guest stars stop by, including Sean Penn, who joins the gang during a Halloween party. Plus, Phoebe stalks rock superstar Sting through his wife, Alec Baldwin makes an indelible impression as Mr. Positive-Man Parker and Brad Pitt guest stars as an old high school friend of Rachel’s who absolutely, positively can't stand her. And, with Rachel's baby joining the crib in the season finale, you won't want to miss a single hilarious episode.

Friends, Season 8 en streaming

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