Série Futurama, Season 2 en streaming

Futurama, Season 2

Regarder illimité la série Futurama, Season 2 en streaming VF complet

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Date: 1999-09-26
  • Vote: TV-14
  • Episodes: 20

Description :

Fry, a young Everyman, finds himself accidentally transported 1,000 years in the future. Just like right now, life in the future is a complex mix of the wonderful and horrible, where things are still laughable no matter how crazy they get. And against a backdrop of pesky aliens, exasperating robots and malfunctioning gadgets, people still struggle with the same daily anxieties of life and love . . . and, of course, traffic is still a nightmare! In the second season, Valentine's Day turns into a nightmare for Fry after his head is surgically attached to Amy's body; the crew discovers the lost city of Atlantis where Fry falls hopelessly in love with mermaid; powerful alien beings threaten to devour all of mankind after the crew inadvertently introduces earthlings to the aliens’ offspring; and Al Gore, Stephen Hawking, and Nichelle Nichols come to the rescue when Fry inadvertently opens a rip in the space-time continuum.

Futurama, Season 2 en streaming

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