Série Sex and the City, Season 1 en streaming

Sex and the City, Season 1

Regarder illimité la série Sex and the City, Season 1 en streaming VF complet

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Date: 1998-06-06
  • Vote: TV-MA
  • Episodes: 12

Description :

Life imitates art for 30-something writer Carrie Bradshaw, whose firsthand experiences on the New York singles scene serve as the inspiration for her newspaper column: Sex and the City. In the first season of HBO's hit comedy series, the struggles of finding a mate are seen through the eyes of Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker) and her three best friends — Samantha (Kim Cattrall), a public-relations executive who's seen (and done) it all in the bedroom; Charlotte (Kristin Davis), a hard-luck art dealer who still believes that love will conquer all; and Miranda (Cynthia Nixon), a cynical corporate lawyer who may (or may not) be a pushover for romance. Chris Noth co-stars as one of Carrie's lovers, the notorious Mr. Big.

Sex and the City, Season 1 en streaming

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